Am I pregnant? - The early signs of pregnancy
Early signs of pregnancy are different for everyone. Some women feel the first twinges of pregnancy a week or two after conceiving, while others won’t notice any difference for weeks or even months. We have listed the most common and most reliable signs of pregnancy.
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Missed period
One of the first, most obvious, and probably the most reliable sign of pregnancy, is a missed period. If the egg has been successfully fertilized, made its way through the fallopian tube and managed to implant itself into the uteruses, the menstrual cycle stops and a pregnant woman misses her period.
After a week of missed menstrual cycle you should taking a pregnancy test. If the test results are positive, you should consult a doctor.
Other reasons for missed periods are including stress, extreme exercise, weight loss or gain, and eating disorders.
In the first Trimester, some women experience light bleeding or spottings, but it is usually no cause for alarm.
Read more abour pregnancy and sleep here
Stomach cramps
In addition, cramps in the stomach or womb often occur shortly before or at the actual time of the period. It feels like the start of the menstrual period, but it is thought to be due to changes in the womb and the new hormones.
Tender breasts
Another early sign is tender breasts. The women´s breast often becomes swollen and sore. It can happen around one or two weeks after conception and will be caused by the change of hormone levels and will ease up in couple of weeks.
The most known sight will be the pregnancy nausea. It often starting around the 6th week of pregnancy, but not all women are affected.
Morning sickness is probably the most known and talked about symptom of pregnancy. Often starting around the 6th week of pregnancy. What exactly causes morning sickness, cravings or dislikes is not known for sure, but pregnancy hormones are likely to contribute.
Frequent urintation
Pregnant women often feel increased need to urinate during the first trimester of the pregnancy. The increased blood flow makes pregnant woman's kidney produce up to 25% more urine. The increased urination can start soon after conception, but is usually at a high between week 9 and 16 of the pregnancy. Then settles down and increases again in the third trimester, when the growing uterus puts pressure on the woman’s bladder.
Fatique or feeling unusually tired and exhausted is normal during pregnancy and can be one of the first symptoms. A woman can start feeling fatique as soon as one week after conceiving. This is mainly related to the high level of progesterone, but also affected by lower levels of blood sugar, lower blood pressure and increased blood production.