New mom? Read six common misconceptions about breastfeeding
When you're becoming a new mom, a lot of thoughts run through your head. All you want is for your baby to be healthy, happy, and hungry (at least hungry enough). Breastfeeding is a topic that evokes a lot of emotions among new mothers. Here, we list six common misconceptions about breastfeeding and then tell you the reality.
Six common misconceptions about breastfeeding
How much milk you produce as a mother differs from person to person
Many think that how much milk you produce depends on your body. For example, a common misunderstanding is that you won’t produce enough milk if you have smaller breasts. This is not true. The amount of milk produced is stimulated by how much your baby eats. Meaning the baby is the boss over milk production. How much “storage capacity” you have, however, may differ. So you might need to breastfeed more often to keep up with the demand.
Sore nipples are standard
As a woman, you learn to endure certain pains and just “breathe through it”. And after childbirth, all the other pains will feel like a small itch in comparison. If your nipples get sore and hurt when breastfeeding, it’s easy to think that “it's just the way it is”. However, you don't need to settle. Even though most mothers experience soreness at the beginning of their breastfeeding journey, the right positioning can help the baby to get a better latch. Hypothetically meaning sore nipples can be avoided. However, if needed there’s always your midwife or lactation consultant that can help and advise.
You shouldn’t breastfeed when you’re sick
Do you have the flu or a cold? Don’t worry. You can still breastfeed your baby. The germ-fighting antibodies will actually be transferred to your baby, helping their immune system against catching the sickness in the future. And if your baby does get sick, the recovery period could be a lot shorter and the sickness milder.
You can't eat and drink what you want when breastfeeding
A balanced diet is always good for you - no matter who you are. Whether you’re a pregnant soon-to-be mom, just started breastfeeding, or neither. Eating well-balanced meals is a crucial part to staying healthy and energetic. However, in general, there’s no need for a change in diet. If your baby suffers from colic, stomach aches, or is unhappy, your midwife might recommend you to test excluding milk or other foods that might affect the baby’s stomach. The baby will get a taste of your favorite foods from being in the womb. And, don’t worry about having a glass of wine from time to time. Drinking moderate amounts of alcohol is not dangerous for your baby. However, high alcohol consumption while co-sleeping or taking care of your baby is never recommended.
Exercise will affect the taste of the milk
Exercise is a healthy activity for everybody, including breastfeeding mothers. Some people believe that exercise might affect the taste of the milk. However, there’s no evidence to support this. So go on, go for a workout if you want to.
Here are some tips for getting started with exercising after pregnancy
Breast Milk goes bad immediately
At room temperature, fresh milk is good for about 4-8 hours. You can keep it in a cooler with ice packs for 24 hours or in the back of the refrigerator, away from the door for 3-5 days. Frozen milk is good for up to 6 months.
Borstvoeding met producten van Najell
Wist u dat al onze producten zijn ontworpen met het oog op borstvoeding? Het Najell Zwangerschapskussen bevat twee geïntegreerde borstvoedingskussens. Dit geeft u de mogelijkheid om een goede, comfortabele positie te vinden voor zowel u als uw baby. Als je onderweg bent en je baby ronddraagt, hebben we het je gemakkelijk gemaakt om borstvoeding te geven in de draagzak. Najell Draagzakken zijn allemaal ontworpen om de toegang tot de moederborst te vergemakkelijken. De Najell Draagdoeken kan huid op huid worden gebruikt en is gemakkelijk om borstvoeding in te geven. En bij de Babynest SleepCarrier kun je gemakkelijk één kant van het nestje inklappen. Zo kun je de baby liggend borstvoeding geven, zonder dat je de baby uit het babynest hoeft te halen.