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Following the T.I.C.K.S rule for safe babywearing

Using the T.I.C.K.S rule when carrying

The T.I.C.K.S rule is a checklist created by the UK Sling Consortium. The guideline helps parents to ensure they position their baby safely with in the carrier. You should always follow the T.I.C.K.S rule when using any Najell Baby Carrier.

T.I.C.K.S stands for:


Your baby carrier should be worn tight so that you are able to hug your baby close. Making the baby carrier more comfortable for you and your baby. If the baby carrier is loose it will allow your baby to slump down, hindering their breathing and pulling the weight onto your back.

Najell Rise in Almond Beige


You should always be able to see your baby’s face without having to adjust baby carrier's fabric. When in the cradle position your baby should face upwards and not be turned inwards to your body.

Najell Rise in Jet Black


Your baby’s head should be comfortably close to your chin. You should be able to kiss your baby on the head or forehead just by tipping your head forward.

Najell Rise in Silver Grey


The baby should never curl inwards so that their chin is forced onto their chest, potentially restricting their breathing. Make sure they always have a space of at least a finger width under your baby’s chin.

Najell Rise in Jet Black


When back carrying, the baby should be held close to the wearer so that their back is supported in its natural position. Their tummy and chest should also be against you. If it's too loose they can slump, risking their airways becoming partially closed. You can test this by placing a hand on your baby’s back and pressing gently - they should not uncurl or move closer to you. When in the cradle position their bottom should be in the deepest part. This prevents the baby from folding in half and their chin from pressing against their chest.

Najell Rise in Almond Beige

Adjusting your Najell Rise

The front panel of the Najell Rise Baby Carrier can be shortened by tightening the drawstrings in the top corners - bringing your newborn closer to you. Plus, the shoulders and waist belt have extra padding for support. This allows you to comfortably wear the Najell Rise Baby Carrier tightly around your waist and back for extended periods of time.

Newborn carrying in the Najell Rise