Baby Gear
How a baby carrier helps you rock the dad life
A mother carries a baby in her stomach for nine months and traditionally continues to care for the baby post-birth. Yet, old norms, outdated stereotypes, and expectations of parenthood are gradually changing. Nowadays, it's increasingly common for fathers to carry their children in a baby carrier or a baby wrap. Wondering why? We're here to explain how a baby carrier can enhance your experience as a father.
8 reasons to wear a baby carrier as a dad
1. Be close to your baby
Firstly, wearing your baby in a baby carrier is perhaps the comfiest way to be close to each other. As the baby is close to you, they feel your heart beating and are soothed by your warmth and movements. It’s a feeling you’ll both want to last for hours.
2. Perfect multi-tasking
A baby carrier gives you two hands free - while keeping your baby close. In other words, you can basically still do whatever you want. Watch that overhyped series on Netflix? Yep. Hiking in the woods? No problem! Cook your signature dish to surprise your partner? Go for it!
3. Catch up with the connection
It can be easier for a nursing mother to bond with their newborn baby. They automatically spend a lot of time together when feeding. In addition, the baby has been in their womb for 9 months. Talk about a head start. Studies show that a baby carrier strengthens the bond with the baby. That way, as a dad, you can catch up.
4. More time to talk together
Being so close together is a great way to get to know each other. In the beginning, you may find that you do most of the talking. But the older the baby gets, the more their language develops. Soon you can expect to hear sounds, words, and maybe even laughter from your little one. But remember, that last one depends on how funny your dad jokes are.
5. The baby gets happier and calmer (and so do you!)
According to research, babies who are regularly carried are both happier and cry less. The connection that comes through baby wearing helps create a bond between parents and child. This in turn makes the child feel secure. What's more, one study found that wearing a baby in a baby carrier also helps fathers to feel calmer about their parenting. Win-win!
6. Free training every day
Exercise routines often suffer when a baby comes into your life. There simply isn't enough time in the day. With a baby carrier, it’s basically free training - every day. Your newborn may feel tiny at first. But trust us, it won't be long before just repeatedly carrying them up the stairs will feel like a heavy workout.
7. Get alone time - for both of you
Just as you need to schedule time with your family, it's important to schedule time for yourself and your hobbies. It may be considerably less than before, but it's still important. And the same goes for your partner. A baby carrier is a great way to give each other time to do what you love. What's more, all Najell baby carriers can be easily fastened with one hand, so you don't have to worry about not being able to put it on or take it off on your own.
8. Share more!
We know we're nagging, but it's important for you, your partner, and society at large to parent equally. A baby carrier is a great way to be involved in parenting from the start. It triggers your parental instinct and strengthens the bond between you and the baby. A 2016 study found that fathers who carried their babies showed more care, involvement, and security in parenting. Most importantly, the relationship with the little baby was also strengthened.
Baby carriers that suit both parents
Najell's goal is to make parenting easier. We want parents to continue living their lives in their own way and find their own way of parenting. All Najell baby carriers are designed to fit both parents. There are no buckles on the back that are difficult to access. With magnetic buckles and one-handed fastening, the baby can be easily put in the carrier without you having to take your attention away. The padded waist belt and shoulder strap make it comfortable to wear for a long time.