Importance of family time
Today's families are busy and sometimes it can be hard to find time to spend quality time together. Finding that time, with everyone's busy schedules, can be challenging. As parents we want to find time to exercise, meet friends, excel at work and do all the things that make us, ‘us’.
Handling busy schedules
Combining the things we love to do with family can help with quality family time. Sharing hobbies with our kids or spouse and showing interests in their activities can have very positive effects on the relationships. Spending time together with our partner and children is precious that shouldn't be taken for granted. However, this doesn't mean that we can't have alone time with our spouse, or skip your precious “me time”. Finding your definition of balance can make the quality of family time so much better.
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Family time
It’s not all about quantity but quality too. Make the time count. Even though we work hard and have a busy schedule, making the time together count is valuable. Even though quality is more important than the quantity, quantity usually leads to better quality.
Family values
Showing interest in others interest and activities shows that you care. Even if its your partner worrying about the workload or bragging about successful projects. Listening, commenting and engaging in the conversation, shows you care and creates good family values. If a family members has a hobby, showing interest in that also shows your support and love.
Family traditions
Creating family traditions, produces positive core memories that your children will remember forever. Doing things your way, creates a sense of belonging together. Family traditions can anything from how and when you open presents at Christmas or always watching a movie on Saturdays. If you have a baby or a toddler you can put on the baby carrier, make dinner with your partner and just enjoy the moment together, while discussing your day.
Sharing the chores teaches you kids responsibility. You are a team and everyone can participate and do their part. Seeing parents share the chores like cooking, cleaning and taking care of the children shows a good example and brings us closer to a more equal world.
The benefits of family time
Spending time together as a family creates a sense of belonging. Children are less likely to go look for that feeling somewhere else if they can find it at home. We should make an effort in finding ways to spend time together as a family, and create fun memories. Turning off cell phones, TV, computers and other distractions and instead share ideas and values and learn about what is happening in each other lives. Play card games, do sports or go on holidays together. If we manage to spend time together as a family, we will make it easier for our children to share their thoughts and worries when going through tougher times.
Family time creates loyalty to each other and a feeling of support. Our children grow up fast so we should make sure we use the time we have.
Read our ideas about activities you can do together as a family!
Families have different forms and can give us a feeling of belonging to someone and loving without conditions. The family we belong to has a big influence on how our children deal with relationships, cope with different situations, and learn about living life.