Do maternity pillows really help? We answer all your pregnancy pillow questions.
If you’re considering purchasing a maternity pillow (also known as a pregnancy pillow or maternity cushion), you may be looking into its advantages in the short and long term. We have gathered your most frequently asked questions so you can decide whether it’s an essential for you and your body.
Do maternity pillows really help?
As your body changes shape and grows, you may find your usual sleeping and sitting positions a little uncomfortable. This is where a maternity pillow can really come into assistance.
A maternity pillow is a great product to be used as a sleeping pillow during pregnancy and is designed to help align your spine and adapt to the changing body contours, ensuring a more comfortable position.The Najell Pregnancy Pillow offers full-body support extending from your ankles to your back. IMoreover, the adjustable firmness allows you to customise the pillow for whatever suits your comfort needs.
When should you start using a pregnancy pillow?
The timing of using a pregnancy pillow is not set in stone, but most people start using them when they find their normal sleeping position a little uncomfortable or when they start needing a bit of support when sitting on a sofa.
When you feel like you need to alleviate pressure points on your body, support from a pregnancy pillow can be a game-changer. A pregnancy pillow should adapt to your evolving physique, so there is no right time to start- it’s how your body feels that matters. But it could be handy to have one prepared incase it sneaks up on you faster than you expect.
Can a maternity pillow help to stop rolling on to your back?
It’s recommended for women to sleep on their side whilst pregnant. If you’re not a side sleeper, a maternity pillow can be a great assistance in helping to stop rolling on to your back. This not only gives you peace of mind but a better night's sleep.
Which is better- a U-shaped or C-shaped maternity pillow?
Choosing a shape for your maternity pillow is really dependent on the type of support you need. For example a U-shaped pillow can offer full-body support, whereas a C-shaped pillow can offer targeted support.
Ultimately, the shape of the pillow or how you choose to shape it should focus on the areas where you need the most support and what feels comfortable for you. But a good pillow should be able to mould to whatever shape you need.
Check out our blog on how to use the Najell Pregnancy Pillow in different ways.
Do I really need a breastfeeding pillow?
Whether you opt for breastfeeding or bottle-feeding, a breastfeeding or feeding pillow can be a valuable accessory. It stops potential strain and takes weight off your neck, back and shoulders when holding and feeding the baby at the same time.
Not only is this supportive but it will help you relax whilst feeding. But don’t be convinced you need to buy 2 separate pillows.Especially when the Najell Pregnancy Pillow is can be used as a feeding pillow, as well as a pregnancy pillow.
The award-winning Najell Pregnancy Pillow
The Najell Pregnancy Pillow is a unique and flexible pregnancy pillow with two integrated nursing pillows and multiple functionalities. It’s easily adjusted by tightening the knot, allowing it to be softer or harder when needed. Furthermore, its soft filling and shape is designed to accommodate the contours of a pregnant body, relieving the legs and back.
The inside consists of two smaller nursing pillows that form to make a larger pillow. This way, you can choose to either use the full-length pillow when breastfeeding or separate and pick the size that suits your needs best. This gives you endless possibilities to find a good, comfortable position for both you and your baby. The pillows also allow for easy access to your chest and eases the strain on your back, neck, shoulders, and arms during mealtime.