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5 Women who have changed history

5 Women who have changed history

On the 8th of March every year, International Women’s Day is celebrated around the world. An opportunity to reflect on the progress made and to celebrate courage by ordinary people who have played an extraordinary role in changing our history.

Grateful to the women who fight and have fought for equal rights. For the women’s rights to vote, work and get an education and the ones who have fought against domestic violence and sexual harassment. We celebrate our young fighters like Malala Yousafzai and Greta Thunberg who fight for a brighter future for the next generations and inspire us to do better, while we also remember the ones who have paved the way.

Live the life you want to live, even after becoming a parent. Share both the joy and the responsibility of parenthood with your partner. Encourage each other and support each other in making your own choices and being individuals and parents at the same time. Our goal is to make that possible.

Read more about some of the women who inspire us:

Marie Curie

In 1903, Marie Curie became the first woman to win a Nobel Prize. She won the prize for physics, for her research on spontaneous radiation, eight years later she won the prize for chemistry for her work in radioactivity. She was the first person in history to win a second Nobel prize. Her discoveries of radioactivity launched effective cures for cancer.

Rosa Parks

Often referred to as “the first lady of civil rights” and “the mother of the freedom movement” Rosa Parks, was an American activist in the civil rights movement. She is best known for her role in the Montgomery bus boycott in 1955, when she refused to give up her bus seat rejecting the bus driver’s order to leave her seat in the “colored section” to a white passenger. Her act sparked the civil rights movement which in the 1960s, eventually won equal rights.

Kathrine Switzer

In 1967, the 20-year-old Kathrine Switzer made history. She was the first woman to officially run in the Boston marathon. She managed to run about 2 miles into the race when a race official grabbed her and tried to stop her. Her boyfriend at the time intervened and she was able to finish the run. Even though she was both disqualified from the race and told that “real women don’t run” and expelled from the Athletic Federation, her act changed the lives of millions of women. In 1972 women were officially allowed to run the Boston Marathon.

Astrid Lindgren

The Swedish children's books author, Astrid Lindgren, is the eighteenth most translated author in the world. Her books have been translated into 107 languages. Many of Astrid characters such as Pippi Longstocking and Ronja Robber’s daughter are curious and courageous, with a strong sense of justice. They have inspired generations of children. Pippi has encouraged girls around the world to believe in themselves and the fictional character is often seen as a role model in gender equality and equality in general.

Astrid Lindgren fought against violence against children and in 1978 she made a famous speech called Never Violence. Partly thanks to her work, a law was introduced in Sweden in 1979, prohibiting violence against children. Until then there was no such law anywhere in the world.

Greta Thurnberg

The young environmental activist from Sweden, Greta Thunberg, has taken the world by storm. It’s just over a year ago since she took her famous sign to the Swedish parliament, only at the age of 15 and started striking for the climate and demanding politicians to take the climate crisis more seriously. Today she is a household name and inspires us to take responsibility and do our part in making sure the planet is in good condition for our future generations. Her activism has shown us, and the young generation how much one person can do to make a difference and make people listen.

Malala Yousafzai

Malala, the youngest person to have ever won the Nobel Prize. She is known for her human rights advocacy and especially for fighting for girls and women's right to education. At the age of 15, she was shot in the head by a Taliban gunman, in an assassination attempt in retaliation for her activism. She survived and has dedicated her life to fighting for women's right to education.

Today we celebrate all women’s achievements and every day we do our best to contribute to a gender-equal world.