How to handle a newborn with colic?
I can not sleep because my baby is crying constantly. Heard about that before? Perhaps your newborn is suffering from cholic like symptoms? Here's a short list of how to ease the pains of a newborn with colic.
What is colic?
It is important to understand that colic is not a disease. Colic is a collection of different things that have the symptom that the baby is crying more or less constantly. To understand this it would be better if people started talking about colic-like symptoms instead of saying that the baby has colic. But not having slept for a couple of weeks or months wears out the concept of speaking about problems in the best way. Generally these symptoms tend to wear out at around 3-4 months of age but can start during the first month.
What can be the cause?
Colic symptoms can several things such as:
Issues handling gases since babies due to an immature digestive system
Overstimulation due to the world outside the womb
Tobacco exposure
Allergy or high sensitivity to certain foods
A growing baby will change almost day by day but it is important for you as a parent to look for patterns. Is my baby crying more after eating, a certain time of the day or is there something else that you can notice. This helps you know what steps to take next. If you feel worried you should consult your local doctor.
How can we treat colic?
Again, since colic is a symptom of lots of different things that often can be very hard to know but there a few things helps to reduce the effects of what your baby is experiencing.
React to your baby. Your baby is crying to get your attention. It is their only way of communicating. Keep your baby's attention towards you as a parent. You can do this by carrying your baby facing you. Help their digestive system handle the food. A good way of doing this is to have the baby flat on their backs stretching out the tummy and therefore helping gas pass smoother. Sooth your baby in a rocking motion to distract them from what was causing them to cry.
The SleepCarrier was partly developed to ease the symptoms of colic. Rocking a baby while it is laying on its back distracts the baby, enables gas to pass easier and creates eye contact between you as a caregiver and your baby. This is recommended by doctors and psychologists.