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Amazing facts about autumn babies

Amazing facts about autumn babies

Are you having a baby this fall? Congratulations! All babies are amazing ofcourse, but did you know that autumn babies are unique in several ways? Here are some cool facts that you might have not known before.

2. They are usually born smaller.

According to research, autumn babies are usually born one week earlier than their non-fall-peers. Also, they tend to weigh less at birth.

3. But they also tend to be taller.

A British study showed that early-autumn babies were on average slightly taller. This is probably due to the mother taking advantage of the summer sun during pregnancy, getting a lot of vitamin D. Vitamin D helps the growth of the baby’s skeleton.

4. And have super-strength?

At least when it comes to their bones. The same study as above showed that babies born in fall also have thicker bones. Maybe you have a future Superman in there, who knows?

5. Are born to be sports stars?

It might be because of the super strong bones or all the vitamin D as mentioned above. However, science shows that babies born in October and November are fitter, stronger, and more athletic than others. Olympics 2041 anyone?

6. Leftie league

Your baby-to-be is more likely to be a left-hander, at least if your baby is born in November. This is showed in research published in Cortex journal. Time to go to The Leftorium in Springfield (if you know you know)?

7. Fall babies are happy babies

Research shows that babies born in fall are happier and less likely to be depressed than other babies. Maybe it’s because the dark months of wintertime are yet to come, who knows. However, according to Time, there is one glitch with your autumn bundle: they tend to be a bit more irritating. Just a heads up!

Favorites for fall

We have a wide selection of soft and cozy products to keep you and your baby warm this fall. No matter who you are, where you live, or what the weather is like – we have the style for you. The Najell Footmuff is an award-winning footmuff that fits all prams, pushchairs and especially Najell Babynest SleepCarrier. Match it with a pair of Najell Stroller Gloves and you're ready to go!

Find all styles and more information about the collection here.