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Are pregnancy pillows worth it?

Are pregnancy pillows worth it?

When you first discover you're pregnant, your mind is bound to have lots of thoughts. But one crucial thing should take centre stage: a good night’s sleep. It may feel like there are lots of things to buy or borrow, but a pregnancy pillow (also known as a maternity pillow) is a must-have product to help you during pregnancy and beyond.

The best support during pregnancy

As your bump grows your usual sleeping position is likely to become uncomfortable or impractical. This is where the Najell Pregnancy Pillow comes into play.  Its adjustable firmness and multiple functionalities help get you into your sleeping position with ease. 

It’s recommended that you sleep on your side when pregnant. And a pregnancy pillow is invaluable in helping maintain this position. Additionally it helps to stop you from unintentionally rolling on to your back. Helping you align your spine and ease blood circulation, which is a massive benefit to both you and the baby.

Not just for pregnancy

Once your baby is here, you’ll find your  body being put into some new positions. Whether you choose to breast or bottle feed, getting a good position for you and your baby can strain your arm, neck, shoulders and back. This is where a pregnancy pillow can make all the difference in relieving you of these pressure points. Making feeding a more enjoyable experience for everyone. 

The Najell Pregnancy Pillow consists of two smaller nursing pillows that form to make a larger body pillow. Therefore, you can either use the separate smaller pillows, the full-length pillow or mould it to  a U-shape or C-shape when feeding. Whatever suits your needs best at that time. Plus you can purchase a spare pregnancy pillow cover. Allowing you to switch up your aesthetic and have spares between washes. The versatility offers endless possibilities to finding a comfortable position for both you and your baby. 

Simply, the Najell Pregnancy Pillow is an essential item during pregnancy and beyond. Your body will thank you for the health benefits such as ease of blood circulation, alignment of spine and overall, a better night's sleep.