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The best compliments to give to a new parent – and why


The Best Compliments To Give To A New Parent... And Why

A compliment can make someone’s entire day. But as a new parent, it usually means THE WORLD. When navigating the new world of parenthood, you’re constantly worrying about doing something wrong, and to be honest, messing everything up.

A positive remark regarding your parenting style and a few words of reassurance can help you in powering through those tough moments when everything is in doubt. Here are five great compliments to give to your fellow parents out there.

"Thanks for taking the time today, I know you have a lot on your plate"

We talk a lot about continuing to live your life as a parent and individual. However, we know that it’s easier said than done. It can be hard to juggle friends, family, hobbies, tasks, and work at the same time. Someone telling you that they value your time is simply priceless.

"Your kid seems so happy, you can tell how much love there is between the two of you"

ALL you care about is making sure your kid is happy (and trying to avoid all the crying crises all day long). And even though you’re doing your best, you rarely feel like you’re doing enough. We know that all you (and your baby) need is love. And to hear that it shows, surely can make your heart melt as a parent.

"Wow, how you handled that was amazing"

You can look through every library in the world. But unfortunately, there’s no universal guidebook on how to parent. And no, Google doesn’t have all the answers either. It’s all about learning-by-doing, trial-and-error, and hits-and-misses. When a person remarks positively on your skills to master that totally unknown weird baby situation (that you had NO clue in how to handle), it is probably the best feeling in the world.

"It’s okay to take the easy way out"

Okay, so this might not be a compliment but it’s still something that every parent needs to hear each week, if not every single day. When you’re standing there stressed, sweaty, and sleepless the last thing you are mentally prepared for is cooking. All you want to hear is that it’s okay to order pizza for dinner for the fourth time in a row. Or, to skip doing the laundry and just continue to wear your shabby sweatpants on the sofa.

"I know you know what’s best, you’re the mom/dad/boss"

When entering parenthood, you’ll realize one thing. There are parenting experts everywhere and everybody wants to have a say. The good thing is, as a parent you get to lead the way. You’re the boss of parenting. But sometimes, you need to get reminded of this. That’s why it’s important to empower all parents. And you can do it just by uttering the words “I know you know what’s best”.

"You look beautiful today"

A lot of mothers struggle with their postpartum bod’. And unfortunately, it’s common to get malicious body-shaming comments and statements about how “your body has changed a lot” after pregnancy. When it really should be “wow, how amazing is your body for growing a life inside”. We at Najell in no way believe that a person’s value is in appearance. However, sometimes all you need is a nice compliment to get that confidence up again.