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10 tips to get better sleep during pregnancy!


10 tips to get better sleep during pregnancy!

Sleep problems are quite common among pregnant women. The body is undergoing a lot of major changes that can affect your sleep habits. Yet, at the same time: many pregnant women actually sleep well, so don’t worry! It's not guaranteed that your sleep will be affected. Some women even sleep better than usual when they are pregnant.

However, if you aren't getting enough sleep - there are things you can do that will make your life easier such as exercise or using a pregnancy pillow for a better quality of sleep.

Sleep problems during pregnancy: Why it happens

Sleep problems during pregnancy are often caused by several things: waking up due to the frequent need to pee, cramps, intense dreams, pain and so on. Your body is undergoing some major changes that can affect your sleep habits. As the belly grows bigger and bigger, it gets harder and harder to get a comfortable rest. 

Sleep problems during pregnancy: What to do

1. Eat better. Eating healthy helps many women sleep better. Having a small snack containing carbohydrates before you go to sleep can help. Also try to avoid foods that are strong, spicy or fried to reduce the risk of heartburn when you lay down.

2. Sleep on the side. This position will be more comfortable for your body and it’s also safer for the child! Sleeping on your back can have a negative effect on the blood supply to the fetus and should be avoided! A pregnancy pillow can help prevent you from rolling on to your side. Preferably you should sleep on your left side.

3. Control the pregnancy nausea. Nausea is something that often causes a lack of sleep among pregnant women. Motion sickness bracelets, prescription-free nausea medication from the pharmacy, and acupuncture can help. In extreme nausea cases, there are prescription medications available also.

5. Sleep with your head high. Many pregnant women get a stuffy nose. Sleeping with your head higher than usual can help. You could also consider having a humidifier in the room if needed.

6. Have a relaxation routine. Creating a relaxing night routine can help the body prepare you for sleep after the day's activities.

7. Avoid screens before bedtime. Try to avoid phones and the TV in the hour leading up to going to bed. Intense images and bright lights can trigger our brain, so instead of relaxing we go up on a mental lap. Many pregnant women dream more frequently and more intensely than usual. It is often due to disturbed sleep (for example, because waking up to pee), but may then interfere with sleep. Relaxing before bedtime and skipping scary TV shows or movies, helps keep the nightmares away - or at least doesn’t encourage them.

8. Exercise. There is a clear association between exercise/motion and better sleep habits. 30 to 60 minutes of exercise is enough. Swimming is good for pregnant women as it doesn't struggle with a body that is heavier than usual.

9. Sleep when you can. Take time to sleep during the day. All sleep counts.

4. Pregnancy pillows. These special-purpose, long, u-shaped pillows allow you to support your body in different ways and give relief your legs and back.

10. Stay hydrated. Last but not least: Drink as usual. It is a myth and a common misconception that one should try to drink less before bedtime. Having to pee often has nothing to do with how much you drink, but it's the fetus that puts pressure on the bladder. Plus, not drinking can lead to dehydration.

Get a good night's sleep with Najell Pregnancy Pillow

The Najell Pregnancy Pillow is not only the answer to your sleeping problems. It’s also designed to give you optimal comfort when you’re sitting down, getting some rest, or just relaxing on the sofa. 

The Najell Pregnancy Pillow helps you keep your spine aligned by supporting your body. The adjustable functions and carefully developed design makes it possible to get the support your body needs. By tightening the knot you change the firmness and adapt it to your shape. Giving your pregnant body ultimate support, the pillow helps your neck, back, and legs to be in the right position. Meaning you can get a good night's sleep with fewer aches and less back pain. Better sleep makes for a better day.