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Newborn milestones: The first six months with your baby


Newborn milestones: The first six months with your baby

All babies (and parents for that matter) are different. That’s why it’s so hard to know how parenting will be. Every baby develops differently and at its own pace. However, there are some newborn milestones that are likely to happen. Learn more about what to expect during the first six months with your baby.

Newborn milestones

Newborn and new to the world (0-1 month)

Hello newborn and hello newbie parent. During the first month, everything is new for both you and the baby. The baby is trying to figure out how life works and you how parenting life works. However, one thing is for sure. Your baby already knows that they can rely on you - and that you're the most important person in the world.

- The big hobby: Cuddle and snuggle!

Your baby wants to be close to you and being carried skin-to-skin makes the baby feel safe and secure. After two or three weeks, you can usually feel that your baby is adjusting their posture and position towards you.

- The moves and grooves: Random, jerky and uncontrolled

A newborn may seem clumsy at first. But who wouldn’t be after nine months in the womb? The first major focus for the baby is to understand what's happening at close distance. During the first month, your baby can only focus on objects that are 20-30 centimeters away. Sort of like have a fish eye lens.

- The toddler’s talk: "oohs and aahs"

Already after a couple of weeks, some babies can recognize voices and start to communicate by answering with different moves and sounds. When the one month birthday is approaching the baby might go from just crying to using their vocal cords and sing out “ahh:s and maybe some “ooh:s”. However, sometimes it takes a bit longer to develop the singing skills.

Did you know that newborn babies pee every 20 minutes and infants use an average of 2700 diapers per year?

Getting a grip (1-3 months)

After a month or two, it’s common for the baby to begin slowly getting a grip of their body, senses and how the world works. And how fun is that! After the baby’s turns one month old you can probably expect the baby’s first big smile. Seeing that first big grin when you talk and play with your little one is probably the best feeling in the world.

- The big hobby: Grabbing everything

Getting a grip also means understanding how to use the hands properly. In this period, it’s common that babies try to get their hands on everything within reach. And just a warning, they don’t like to let go. So watch out for that hair, haha!

- The moves and grooves: Say bye bye to a stationary baby

Here comes the rolling master. Early babies can master their movements and start to roll as early as week 15, either from back-to-front or front-to-back. During this period, tummy time is extra important. Other babies usually master this skill after 5-6 months.

- The toddler’s talk: Grin, giggles and goo:s

As the baby starts to understand how senses and sounds are connected, their social skills usually go from 0-100 (almost). They’re interested in hearing what you have to say and you can often expect a nice reply in the shape of a grin, giggle or goo.

“Da-das” and discovering (4-6 months)

This period might be the most entertaining one yet. Your baby will most likely put on a show of laughing, mimicking, making weird noises, and playing with everything and everyone.

- The big hobby: Discovery time

Sharp eyesight, improved depth perception and strong senses make babies the perfect explorers. Many babies search for new things, examine all the details and test the limits (often by throwing said things around) during this period.

- The moves and grooves: Head up high

It’s common for your baby to be able to hold their head up (almost at least) and sit with just a little help and support after the first six months. During this time the baby will show more interest in moving around, while they’re exploring the world.

- The toddler’s talk: The first "daddy"?

“I swear to god, the baby said daddy”. Yeah, we’ve heard it before. The first word might be daddy, but most likely it’s just that your baby is learning to put together consonants with vocals. But hey, whatever makes you happy!

Did you know that infants can swallow and breathe at the same time up to 7 months of age?

Najell Original volume 2 - Grows with your baby

The Najell Original volume 2 Baby Carrier is developed to grow with your baby. It can be used from newborn up until your baby is three years old. During the first period, the baby can sit close to you in the newborn position. Making it possible to carry comfortably and close during the first few months. When the baby is about six months old you add a booster seat and start carrying in the sitting position. Providing flexibility for the child to move and change position in the baby carrier.

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