Benefits of babywearing - for the baby
The benefits of carrying your child are countless for both you and the baby. It’s a natural way for the baby to be close to the parents and the child feels more secure and happy. Babywearing helps build a stronger bond between the parents and the baby. Here at Najell, we are big advocates for baby wearing, which is why we have designed baby carriers for all parent's needs. Read on to learn about all the wonders of babywearing.
Our ultimate goal. As parents, we all share the ambition to raise happy children. Studies confirm that babywearing can make babies happy. A study, made at Montreal University in 1985, showed that babies who were carried at least three hours a day, cried and fussed 43% less than the ones that were not carried. So, if you haven’t tried it yet, you definitely should.
Learning and stimulation
When your baby spends less time crying, there is more free time to explore and learn. A baby that is calm and alert, allows you to interact and talk with more. Babies learn by observing and carrying your baby provides the optimal position for you and your baby to connect and explore the world together. Carried babies become participants in their parents’ world and are automatically more exposed and involved in everything that is going on.
Bonding and security
When you carry your baby in a baby carrier, it reminds your baby of the time in the womb. The baby senses the parent’s heartbeat and rhythmic breathing, when you carry them close to you. It provides the baby with a sense of security and familiarity. You are in constant contact with your baby, both physically and emotionally - strengthening the bond between you.
Colicky babies
Babywearing can help ease the symptoms of a colic. Although there is no evidence to show that babywearing reduces colic- if you have experienced having a baby with colic, you'll understand that they like to be carried upright and prefer a rhythmic rocking - all the time. This can be exhausting for you and the baby. A baby carrier can assist and help relive this. Carrying your baby in an upright position has been shown to have a soothing effect, as well as the rhythmic motion when you walk around. Feeling the closeness of a parent, when being carried will help ease discomfort and calm your baby.
If you are unsure of where to start with a baby carrier or even how to get the positioning right read our T.I.C.K.S babywearing guide.