Continue your active lifestyle after becoming a parent
It can be a challenge keeping your identity and active lifestyle when entering parenthood.
With some help and the right mindset you can continue your active lifestyle after becoming a parent. Being flexible and trying to keep things simple can help. Although its easy to recommend that parents continue living their life as they did before having a baby, and doing the things they love, the priorities will automatically change. You may not always have time to give yourself a blow dry or put on a face of makeup. However, putting on a lipstick might make you feel good and fresh (after sleepless nights), and can be done in 20 seconds. Put on your favorite sunglasses and you are ready to go. Giving yourself a few minutes to make yourself feel more 'you' can be a game changer to your mood.
Giving yourself permission to care for yourself can help you get back on track.
Use public transportation or walk
If you want to go to a certain place to meet a friend, to a museum or to the city centre to shop or have a cup of coffee, try using public transportation or walk. Putting your baby in the car seat, packing the pram in the car and then taking everything out again, is a hustle no one will miss. It's likely to interrupt the baby’s napping time and make you more stressed. Using public transport is more environmentally friendly, but can make the whole process of leaving the house easier. You are free to play with your child on the bus, instead of trying to put the pacifier in a crying baby’s mouth, while driving.
Use a SleepCarrier
The SleepCarrier, is a smarter babynest that allows you to safely carry your child around without interrupting the babies sleep. The perfect product to continue your active lifestyle after becoming a parent. The baby can fall asleep in the SleepCarrier and then be safely carried to the pram, without interrupting the sleep. Whether the pram is in the hallway, just outside your door or down four floors (with no elevator). If the baby is a sleep when you arrive home you can carry the SleepCarrier inside, without waking your baby. The nest makes your life much more mobile and is the most loved baby product of active parents.
Bring a baby carrier
When you decide to spend your day downtown, in the park or at an event with a friend, you might want other options than the pram for your baby. A baby carrier will make it possible for you to carry the child in an easy way and give the baby a different view of the world. The secure feeling of being next to the parent makes the child feel safe. Napping in the baby carrier is also cosy for both the parent and the child. Bringing a baby carrier along gives you different options, making everything a little bit easier.
Continuing your active lifestyle after becoming a parent, doesn't mean that your child's well being isn't a priority- it's just about adapting your lifestyle.