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Why a pre-tied baby wrap is a game-changer for new parents

Baby Gear

Here's why a pre-tied baby wrap is a game-changer for new parents

Entering parenthood. What a trip. Unexpected body changes, hormones eveeeeerywhere and totally new routines. And of course, that cute little mini-you to care of. Everything has changed, but at the same time, you are still you.

To find that golden balance and continue life as it used to be with a baby can be challenging from time to time. However, we have a small tip for all of you newbies out there that could potentially change your life. Babywearing.

2. You can clean, cook and do all those chores (but only if you want to!)

Your baby will want your full attention, all the time. With a baby wrap, you can keep your baby close while having both hands free. Making it possible to do everything at home AND at the same time keep an eye on your small one.

3. Get workin'

After a while at home there's a big possibility that you're itching to do something productive. With a baby wrap, you're operating with two hands again and can email, scroll on social media, work, write, read a book or do whatever you want to do.

4. Or be lazy!

A pre-tied baby wrap might be the laziest form of baby wearing. You can just put it on like a t-shirt and then you're good to go. And even though it's possible to do all the things you want with two hands free, it's also perfect to use when binge-watching series on the sofa.

5. That snug bonding!!!

The main reason for choosing a baby wrap is that it’s hard to match the closeness and snug feeling that you get in a baby wrap. The baby is close to you and can feel and hear the parent's heartbeat. It's about as you can get.

Najell Wrap - The pre-tied baby wrap

The closeness and mobility a pre-tied baby wrap gives can help to alleviate some stressors during those initial months. The simplicity can be priceless while you are adjusting to your new role as a parent.

The Najell Wrap is a pre-tied baby wrap and is as simple to put on as a t-shirt. Just put your baby in and you're ready to go!