Hiking with kids - Which Baby Carrier is best?
Yes, life changes as a parent. But it's also easy to forget that much of what you did before having children is still fully feasible. Traveling, discovering and embarking on adventures does not have to be daunting task. Having the right equipment can help you explore and continue being active.
Hiking is a great way to travel with children. Walking in nature with little distractions can really help relax you and reduce stress. A good baby carrier means you can easily take your baby along for the journey. The baby is safe in the harness, have plenty to look at and will often sleep well whilst being close to you.
So which carrier is best?
There are special hiking backpacks for children. But they cannot be used for infants under six months. At that age, the child needs to be on your front, facing you and can't sit in the seats that the backpacking harnesses have.
If you're not a frequent hiker, you may not need to invest in a special hiking carrier. A regular baby carrier works excellently.
Najell's Baby Carrier can be used for newborns and up to 3 years. As newborns, babies have to sit parent facing, pressed to your stomach. When the child gets bigger - you can wear them in the baby carrier on your back.
The Najell Baby Carrier is well suited for hiking because it is an ergonomic market leader. The problem with many carriers is that all the weight is on your shoulders. During a long walk it will be strenuous. It places most of the weight on your hips and back, making it easier and more convenient for you to carry your child.
In addition, the Najell Baby Carrier is specially developed for your baby's requirements. It creates an ergonomic groove position which supports the child's back, which is "C-shaped" and puts your child's leg in a raised leg position that we recognize as "M-shape". This is important during the first six months of the child's life.
The International Hip Dysplasia Institute recommends Najell's Baby Carrier as a safe and ergonomic carrier.
All of our carriers have magnetic buckles that are extremely easy to use. Meaning, it's simple to put the baby in or take the baby out of the carrier with one hand. Little faff means you can easily move the baby from carrier to bed or from carrier to pram.
What to plan before hiking with your child:
Pack plenty of snacks and liquids.
Don't forget nappy bags for used diapers so you can carry them out of nature when you leave!
Try and dress your child in layers to help with their temperature. Protecting them with sunscreen and a hat is a must. Preferably long sleeves.
Pack smart. It can be annoying to repack the entire backpack because the kids' water bottles or wet tissues are at the bottom.