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10 natural ways to prevent pregnancy nausea

10 natural ways to prevent pregnancy nausea

Morning sickness, or feeling generally unwell, is one of the most common side effects of pregnancy. This feeling usually goes away by the beginning of the fourth month (second trimester). In few cases, however, this feeling lasts until the end of pregnancy. We have put together our best tips and tricks for you.

1. Eat little and often

You have a sensitive stomach, so you should eat small portions several times a day to aid digestion. Avoid eating too little, however, as an empty stomach can make morning sickness worse.

2. Breakfast in bed

Increased nausea occurs in the morning due to the empty stomach. Put some fruits or light snacks on your bedside table and eat a little before you get up.

3. Drink plenty - stay hydrated

Avoid to drinking something after breakfast, it promotes nausea. Drink soothing beverages to calm your stomach, like a herbal ginger tea. Make sure to drink enough, sparkling water and cola can also provide relief.

4. Avoid foods or smells that make you feel sick

Seems really obvious, but if you know certain smells or foods trigger you try and avoid the situation. You can ask friends and family to help you with this.

5. Ginger & Lemons

Ginger roots and lemon are natural remedies. You should mix your water with flavors of both. Furthermore is it helpful to breath the lemon flavor, so you can reduce the nausea feeling. Other natural remedies are grapefruits and oranges. You should avoid to drink coffee with milk, because it increase the nausea.

6. Skip making dinner

Strong odors irritate your stomach, so take care to keep distance and ask your partner to prepare the dinner. If you prepare cold food, the smell is less strong as hot food.

7. Cold meals can be better than hot ones

You should maybe make a decision to eat more cold food like salads during the worst weeks. This time will be over before you know it.

8. Take a nap!

Fatigue and lack of sleep can increase the feeling of nausea. So, take a nap! If you are working, try to go to bed early and avoid getting upset. Rest and take naps during the weekends. Waiting an hour to lye down after eating dinner is probably a good idea, so your stomach has managed to digest the food. A pregnancy pillow is such a great product to help you get comfortable and increase a better quality of sleep. We have some great tips on getting better sleep during pregnancy.

9. Vitamine B6

Vitamin B6 is an good anti-nausea remedy. You can find it in fatty fish, such as tuna and salmon, broccoli, spinach, red cabbage, and bananas. Integrate them into your diet. You can also take multivitamins supplements that help reduce your feeling of nausea. You will find it in pharmacies.

10. Eat light

Avoid overly greasy, spicy and fried dishes like fries, chili con carne and cream. Choose lighter, milder tasting foods, that can naturally help your nausea. Like mashed potatoes, cooked vegetables and fruits. Take the time to eat slowly to be able to digest.

If your nausea is too painful, some medications (prescribed by your doctor) may reduce nausea and morning sickness. Then, homeopathy can reduce the effects of nausea and acupuncture sessions can also help you. But if the situation becomes too serious (significant weight loss and / or dehydration), you should never hesitate to contact your doctor.

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