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First time mom or dad? 9 pieces of advice for new parents

First time mom or dad? 9 pieces of advice for new parents

Becoming a new parent? Parenting is incredible in so many ways. But entering parenthood for the first time is likely also to be the biggest change in your life. 

We’ve gathered our best pieces of advice for first-time parents here!

9 pieces of advice for first time parents

1. Do parenting your way 

When entering parenthood, you'll realize one thing. There are parenting experts everywhere and everybody wants to have a say. However, what is right for one family may be completely wrong for another. The good thing is, as a parent you get to lead the way. You are the expert on your own, your child's, and your family’s needs.

2. Focus on the baby - but don’t forget to focus on you

Your “me”-time disappears from your schedule when becoming a parent. Your new best friend will require your full attention - all the time. Luckily, there’s a way to combine the two. Keep your baby close in a baby carrier when doing chores at home or bring the baby to the gym for some me-time. Focusing on your own well-being is not selfish. It’s essential in being a good parent. 

3. Plan for both family time, me-time, and free time

Even though we work hard and have a busy schedule, it’s important to take time to nurture our relationships. Respecting and valuing each other’s time is key to strengthening family bonds. Make a schedule together so you can make room for both me-time, family time, and social time. 

4. Share the parenting load! Teamwork makes the dream work.

Equal parenting is equally important. Research shows that couples who share the parenting load find the initial toddler years easier to handle. Equal parenting also has positive effects on family bonds, both when it comes to bonding with the baby and strengthening the relationship with the partner. 

5. Don’t be afraid to ask for help

What would a superhero be without a friendly, helpful sidekick? Friends and family want to be there for you. However, it may be hard for them to know when help is needed. That’s why you need to communicate and ask for help when you need it!

Furthermore, if you have questions or need to talk to someone about your own or your baby’s physical or psychological health, you can always go to a professional. Contact a psychiatrist, doctor, or your midwife for help.

6. Catch some sleep when you can

Sleeping routines will change when having a newborn in the house. It’s not only babies that get cranky when they don’t get enough sleep. Parents do too.

It might be hard to believe, but babies can sleep a lot. Newborn babies can sleep up to 20 hours per day. However, they rarely sleep for more than four hours in a row. Take the opportunity to sleep when you can. A short nap when your baby is sleeping during the day is better than no sleep at all. 

Psst. Najell SleepCarrier is great to keep your baby close while sound asleep. Buy it here. 

7. Remember that nobody’s perfect

Parenting might sometimes feel like a pile of chaos. But remember, there’s no such thing as perfect parenting. We didn’t come programmed to be perfect parents, we were programmed to wing it. It might get a bit messy from time to time. But it doesn’t mean that you’re doing it wrong. 

8. After the storm comes a calm

Remember that all the cries, chaos, or stressful moments will come to an end. There’s no better feeling than playing, laughing, and cuddling with a cute, little happy baby. The love and all the happy moments you have together will make you forget about everything else. 

9. Find the right baby gear

The right baby gear can make your life with a newborn easier. Here is our list of what to buy before the baby comes. Look for simple, easy-to-use, and high-quality products. Trust us, you won't have time for any fuss.

Discover our Najell products