How to deal with a newborn with colic?
I can't sleep because my baby cries all the time. Have you heard this before? Maybe your newborn is suffering from colicky symptoms? Here's a short list of how to ease the pain of a newborn with colic.
What is colic?
It is important to understand that colic is not a disease. Colic is a collection of different things that have the symptom that the baby cries more or less constantly. To understand this, it would be better to talk about colicky symptoms instead of saying that the baby has colic. But if you haven't slept for a few weeks or months, you can't talk about the problems very well. Generally, these symptoms subside around 3-4 months of age, but they can occur as early as the first month.
What can be the cause?
Colic symptoms can be different things like:
Problems processing gases due to an immature digestive system
Stimulus overload from the world outside the womb
Tobacco use
Allergy or high sensitivity to certain foods.
A growing baby changes almost daily, but it's important for you as a parent to look for patterns. Does my baby cry more after eating, at a certain time of day, or is there something else you can notice. That way you'll know what steps to take next. If you're worried, you should see a doctor.
How can we treat colic?
Again, colic is a symptom of many different things that are often very difficult to identify, but there are a few things that can help reduce the impact of what your baby is experiencing.
Respond to your baby. Your baby cries to get your attention. This is his only way of communicating. Direct your baby's attention to you as a parent. You can do this by having your baby face you. Help your baby's digestive system process food. A good way to do this is to lay the baby flat on his back and stretch his belly to help the gas drain. Soothe your baby by rocking him to distract him from whatever made him cry.
The SleepCarrier is designed, in part, to relieve the symptoms of colic. When you rock your baby in the supine position, you distract him, make it easier for the gas to drain, and establish eye contact between you, the caregiver, and your baby. This is recommended by doctors and psychologists.