How to prevent overstimulating your baby!
In our previous blog we discussed what can cause overstimulation and the baby's signs of being overstimulated. In this post we have listed how you can prevent overstimulation from happening and how to react when the situation comes up.
Good timing
Make sure to choose the right time to practice tummy time or bring your baby to a busy environment like a birthday party. Don’t interrupt the baby’s nap or force your child to be held by a dozen strangers. Of course, it's absolutely fine to put your child’s needs above everything else and be 30 minutes late if necessary- everyone will understand.
The SleepCarrier helps you show up on time without affecting your child’s sleep. Being able to bring the baby’s familiar sleeping environment with you, provides security for your child and gives you peace of mind.
Pay attention to your baby’s signs
Pay attention to the signals and make sure you decrease the stimulation, when you notice your child has had too much. Bring your child in to a quiet room, dim the lights and provide an environment you know your child is comfortable with. If you are able to respond to the early warning signs you can take action in time. If possible, remove your child from the source that is causing the overstimulation.
Be prepared
When you have a baby, preparation is often the key. If you are able to plan your trips and gatherings, so the baby’s routine is not disturbed, the baby is less likely to get overwhelmed. Bring snacks, extra clothing and other essentials that might be useful. Be sure to head to a quiet area if you notice any of the previously mentioned signs of overstimulation.
Take breaks
If you decide to bring your baby to a gathering, make sure to take breaks away from the crowd. Get permission from the host to go into a quiet room where you can have some alone time or put the baby down for sleep. It is exciting to show your child off to friends and family, but keep in mind that it might be too much for them after a while.
Limit or skip screentime
Tablets and smartphones are often the easy way out when your child has gotten a little bigger. Offering screen time can feel like the perfect solution when the baby starts to get tired and irritated and you just need to finish making dinner. It may solve the current situation you are in, but can make your child more irritated and unhappier for the long run. A better long term solution is to put on the baby carrier on and let your baby rest and feel the security of being next to you.
How to react when your child is overstimulated
When your child starts to show signs of overstimulation, react as soon as possible. Try to create an environment where your child feels comfortable and secure. Hold the child close to you either in a baby carrier or just in your arms and try to help him calm down. Some babies don’t like to be held or touched when finding themselves in a stimulating situation. When that happens you should bring the baby to a quiet place, dim the lights and try to minimize triggers. Talk in a calm and gentle way and offer a bottle or a pacifier if that is something that usually helps.
Try to keep the routine that the baby is comfortable with. Make sure naps, meals and activities are not affected. Babies need consistency. You should always trust your instincts. No one knows their child better than their parents and what is best for them.
Finding the balance and the right amount of stimulation
Good timing and paying close attention to the baby’s signs will help you find the right balance of stimulation your child can cope with. Every child is different and can handle different amounts of noise and excitement. When some children get easily overstimulated, resulting in sensory overload, others have an easier time coping with stimulating environments. To some extent it is a practice and something they get used to. However, you should let your child lead the way and always react to the signals.
It's a good idea to give your baby some quiet time each day, playing or resting, apart from sleep and naps. Even though you are on the run and have a million things to do, you should try to protect your child from too much stimulation.
When you decide to go to a gathering, there will probably be a lot of new faces for your child to see. In these circumstances, it's a good idea to carry your child in a baby carrier. The child will feel more comfortable, being in the secure arm of their parent, while meeting new people. We have developed a sleeping hood to protect your child from external stimulation. The hood is the perfect accessory for the baby carrier. It provides privacy and protection from external stimulation. Carrying your baby makes it easier to go out and meet other people, knowing your child is comfortable and safe. The Sleeping Hood gives the child a break and creates a better environment to fall asleep.