Newborn essentials: The baby products you need
One of the most common questions asked by expectant parents is, "What do we need?". And this is totally understandable. An entirely new world is opening up before you. You want to prepare yourself before you face the confusing jungle of baby products.
To help you cut through the chaos we have created a list of our top newborn essentials that you should definitely consider.
The baby products you need before the baby comes:
1. A Pram
This is a must. Not only of course for your child's sleep but also for your freedom and comfort. Do your own research, ask around, try out your friends' prams or look around in store. A pram is likely something you will come to use every day. That's why it's important to choose one that's high quality and works for you and your lifestyle. Something as little as a faulty wheel is likely to make your life much more complicated than necessary.
2. Baby clothes
Your new sidekick will need cozy bodies and onesies. Check how easy it is to put them on and take them off. You will end up changing your baby's clothes a lot, so some time-saving features will be well appreciated. Different seasons also require different outfits. A winter baby will need some cute beanies, warm socks and winter coveralls. However, a summer baby will need some airy clothes and a sun hat.
Psst... we know that baby clothes are adorable and that you want them all. Try to hold back a little. They are so teensy tiny when they're born that it's easy to forget that they grow out of their clothes faster than you can type your card number.
3. Nappies
Enough said.
4. Baby carrier
A baby carrier is a comfortable way be close and bond with your child, both at home and on the go. Using a baby carrier or baby wrap allows you to have two hands free, which trust us is necessary. Often these carriers are also great for getting your baby to fall asleep as you continue your day. The little one will probably sleep like a log, safe and warm against your chest, in whichever baby carrier you choose.
Whether or not you decide to go for a wrap, a baby carrier or both, our products are ergonomic, easy-to-put-on and easy-to-use. Shop here.
5. BabyNest SleepCarrier
Recently, baby nests have become an essential for parents and their newborns. Yet with Babynests with handles, like the Najell SleepCarrier, you can easily bring your sleeping baby everywhere you go. Meaning you no longer have to live life around your little ones sleep schedule. Do whatever you want to do, whenever you want to do it, with your best friend napping along side. You can use it as a babynest, soft carrycot and as a play mat. It also fits into most prams.
Read more about why you should get a baby nest with handles.
6. Car seats
Do you have a car? Then you need a car seat. Safety first when it comes to your child and driving! Look, compare and read product tests before buying. Want more info on child car safety and what car seat is right for your child? Check out this government recommended source.
7. Cot
It is unlikely that your baby will want to sleep in their own bed when they're small. And it's highly possible that you will be unable to resist having the little one in your bed with you. But it is worth getting a bed of some kind before the baby arrives. Who wants to be waiting in line at IKEA when you have a newborn? Najell's SleepCarrier works remarkably well when you want a babynest in your bed but you're worried about sleeping next to your baby.
8. Breast pump
Are you or your partner planning to breastfeed? It's important to have a breast pump to be able to pump milk. In the beginning it can be difficult for the baby to breastfeed, so it's great to have a bottle as a back-up. And for the sake of gender equality and the nursing woman's sleep, it is crucial for the partner to be able feed the baby too. The baby also has the chance to cozy up to both parents when getting fed. Breast pumps are sold at many pharmacies. A popular breast pump is Medelas. However, Willowpump is a new type of portable pump which can be used on the go.
9. Breast milk alternatives
It's not uncommon that your baby finds it difficult to nurse at first and/or you have trouble producing milk. Additionally, it is very common for breastfeeding to not go as planned (and that is nothing to feel bad about!). So it's good to be prepared with an alternative so that your baby can eat and feel well. No one wants to have to leave the house and hunt for a breast milk substitute in the middle of the night.
10. Pregnancy-to-nursing pillow
This is an underestimated product! This will be your best friend both during pregnancy and the fourth trimester. The pillow gives your pregnant body the right support by helping your neck, back, and legs to be in the right position. Meaning you can enjoy optimal comfort when you’re sitting down, getting some sleep, or just relaxing on the sofa. The nursing pillow helps you to put the baby in the right position and supports your arms and back when breastfeeding. It creates a calm and comfortable environment for the baby to nurse.
Najell's Pregnancy Pillow is a smarter pregnancy pillow. With 2 integrated nursing pillows, adjustable firmness and multiple functions, it's easily adapted to whatever you or your baby needs. Make it softer or harder, use the full-length pillow or one of the integrated nursing pillows.
11. Baby bottles
Having good baby bottles is a must for those milk alternatives and for the non nursing partner. There are lots of great bottles out there. One choice is Como Tomo, which is easy for the baby to handle and simple to wash.
12. A lovely blanket or a pair of awesome slippers?
Treat yourself to something that can help make your new life more comfortable. You deserve it. Here is an alpaca blanket to dream about.
Another list you need:
Due date closing up? Don't forget to pack your hospital bag. We've got a complete checklist here.