14 podcasts about parenthood for parents or parents-to-be
Do you need something to listen to when hanging out with your little bundle? There are tons of great podcasts out there to listen to. So if you need a good laugh, a great parenting story, or just some advice and support, there’s something for every situation.
14 Podcasts about parenthood
In for the wait
1.All About Pregnancy & Birth
A series conversations and stories of strength and positivity from women. This is a supportive, evidence-based information from Dr. Nicole Calloway Rankins, an OB/GYN physician who’s been in practice for nearly 15 years and has helped over 1000 babies into this world.
Life as a parent
2. The Parent Hood
Dr. Chiara Hunt and Marina Fogle answer all your questions about being a new parent in a tongue-in-cheek way. Here, you can find useful information but made entertaining. Subsequently, it's great for getting those parenting hacks.
3. The Longest Shortest Time
This description of Hillary Frank’s podcast is on point: it’s all about ”the surprises and absurdities of raising other humans—and being raised by them.”.
4. Mom and Dad are fighting
There’s no right or wrong regarding how to parent. That's something you will learn with time. In this podcast, parenting experts Jamilah Lemieux, Dan Kois and Elizabeth Newcamp give their advice to parents of all stripes.
Najell Blog: Advice for new parents
Empowerment & equality
5. The Double Shift
This podcast is challenging the status quo of motherhood by bringing topics such as mental health and influential mothers to the table. No matter how hard you try, you cannot do parenting alone. The Double Shift is there to let you know you’re not crazy for feeling that.
6. Parenting for the Future
Insightful and interesting conversations about raising kids and empowering them to find their own voices.
7. Motherhood in Black and White
Kaanji Irby, Tara Campbell and their guests explore race, motherhood and pop culture. Discussing everything from TV tips to achieving equality.
8. 4 Dads
A connection with 4 best friends, Vince, Tyler, Alex and KeAndre and the opinions of what it takes to be a father.
9. Cool Moms
In this podcast, Elise R Peterson, highlights mothers who prioritize their passions as well as parenting. Here you will hear stories about mothers who focus both on their parenting, passions and professional ambitions.
10. Motherhood Sessions
We all know that motherhood can be a struggle sometimes. So if you need a place to relate, you can listen in on conversations had with Psychiatrist Dr. Alexandra Sacks and mothers. Discussing problems, feelings and questions surrounding parenting.
11. That New Mom Life
This podcast is the place for real conversations about the truth of motherhood. Covering everything from sharing the parenting load to those emotional highs and lows.
Najell Blog: Mom stories- What I wish I knew before giving birth
Being a dad
12. Dad I'd Like To Friend (The DILF Podcast)
A relatable podcast not only for dads, but for parents of all genders. This podcast is like talking to a best friend that understands everything you are going through as a parent.
13. Dad Tales
In need of a good laugh? Dad Tales- two average men striving to be great dads. Talking the world of parenting through a fathers eyes. Real, funny and a little bonkers.
14. Dadcast - Misadventures in parenting
Finally, we have four dads - Ger, Adrian, Dave and Nathan from the Off The Ball Dads. Listen in as they tell us all the ramblings and pitfalls of being a parent in a witty and entertaining way.
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We know that parenting can be hard from time to time. Therefore, we want to develop products that make life easier for you as a new parent. Similarly, we want to encourage parents to share the responsibility and, above all, help each other to have their own time and own life. Our products are designed to be easy to use, fit all and be comfortable for you and your baby. Helping you be free and find your own way of parenting.